  • 16 2022-11


    激光医学是激光技术与医学相结合的一门新兴的边缘学科,其发展大致经历了四个阶段:20 世纪 60 年代的基础研究阶段,70 年代的初步应用阶段,80 年代的学科形成阶段,90 年代的发展成熟阶段

  • 16 2022-11


    点阵激光第一次报道于 2004 年,是为得到明显美容效果和最低风险美容技术而引进市场的。与传统的剥脱和非剥脱激光不同的是,剥脱点阵激光和非剥脱点阵激光治疗的仅仅是皮肤的一小部分,最多可有约 95% 的皮肤不受累,未受损害的周围组织包绕受损组织可使表皮迅速修复。2006 年 FDA 批准非剥脱性点阵激光可用于治疗色素损害、眶周皱纹、皮肤重塑、黄褐斑、软组织凝结、痤疮瘢痕、外科瘢痕和光化性角化症。2007 年这个概念被进一步发展到剥脱性点阵激光( Er: YAG 或 CO2 激光) ,这些设备由 FDA 明确指出用于治疗各种皱纹、组织结构不平整、色素损伤和血管皮肤变色。本文就剥脱和非

  • 16 2022-11



  • 03 2020-03

    Association between 2019-nCoV transmission and N95 respirator use

    2019-nCoV had caused pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan. Existing evidence have confirmed the human-to-human transmission of 2019-nCoV. We retrospectively collected infection data from 2 January to 22 January at six departments from Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. In our study, we found N95 respirators, disinfection and hand washing can help to reduce the risk of 2019-nCoV infection in medical staffs. Our results call for re-emphasizing strict occupational protection code in battling this novel contagious disease. The risk of 2019-nCoV infection was higher in the open area than in the quarantined area. N95 may be more effective for 2019-nCoV infections.

  • 03 2020-03

    Clinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China

    In this single-center case series of 138 hospitalized patientswith confirmed NCIP in Wuhan, China, presumed hospital-related transmission of 2019-nCoVwas suspected in 41% of patients, 26% of patients received ICU care, and mortality was 4.3%.

  • 02 2020-03

    Potential Maternal and Infant Outcomes from Coronavirus 2019-nCoV (SARS-CoV-2) Infecting Pregnant Women Lessons from SARS, MERS, and Other Human Coronavirus Infections

    It remains to be seen during the current Wuhan 2019-nCoV epidemic how this newly-emergent coronavirus affects pregnant women and their infants, as well as which factors may modulate obstetrical disease and outcomes including the timing of maternal coronavirus exposure by gestational age, the effects of edications or other treatment regimens, differences in host immune responses, occurrence of coexisting medical and obstetrical conditions, and other covariables. However, pregnant women should be considered to be at high risk for developing severe infection during this current outbreak of 2019-nCoV. infection moved rapidly through China, spread to Thailand and Japan,extended into adjacent countries through infected persons travelling by air, eventually reaching multiple countries and continents.

  • 02 2020-03


    自首例新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊以来,已有大量人传人的病例,其中超过 1700 例医护人员遭受了感染。对危重症患者进行呼吸治疗时有大量高危操作,例如气管插管、简易呼吸器辅助通气、无创正压通气、高流量鼻导管治疗、气管镜检查、吸痰以及转运等均可引起或加重患者气道内呼出病毒的大量传播。因此,我们根据目前最佳证据以及国内现有条件制定了本防范建议,旨在降低医护人员感染风险的同时为患者提供最佳治疗。

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